pop club is now accepting new members!

 Pop Club

monthly membership for freelance writers


Why Pop Club?

I started Pop Club because I wanted a shame-free community where I could learn how to become a successful freelancer.

When I started I just wanted to talk to a real person who knew what I was going through and learn how to run my business.


 Pop Club is for you if…

Maybe you:

  • Decided to start freelancing or already have started but need help with the next steps

  • Want to raise your freelance income (Pop Club members raise theirs by 30%+ on average!)

  • Are looking for freelance friends who *just get it*

  • Are seeking accountability to reach your goals

  • Want to learn how to treat your freelancing like a business


What if instead…


of freaking out about your freelance writing business every 3 months, you had a clear atlas and a real person to ask questions when you needed support.

Your goals – whether that’s

  • working less

  • living nomadically

  • going on a thru-hike

  • making $10k per month

  • just working remotely

are completely possible (I know because our members and I have done it!). And you deserve to reach them.

You’ve never been closer to the career of your wildest dreams.


what's included


what's included 〰️


 Join Pop Club!


It’s just $33/month – cancel anytime.




pay Annually & save $100

A $400 value for only $300

1 payment | $100 savings



pay Monthly


$33/month, cancel anytime.



 Hi! I’m Rachel.

I've been living nomadically and getting paid to write for the past 6 years.

Now, I want to show you how to reach your goals, too! My absolute favorite things on earth are helping people create a life they love and earn what they deserve.

I truly believe my highest calling is leading a community that nurtures, inspires, and empowers its members. And that’s exactly why I love running Pop Club.


 Frequently-Asked Questions



What are the group coaching calls like?

In Pop Club we have group coaching calls (in which we're almost always drinking coffee) that cover things like:

  • Setting rates & creating packages

  • Selling your services & getting clients

  • Learning new skills to add to your business

  • Freelancer's Mental Health

  • Ask me anything

What does the Slack Community look like?

In the Slack community, you can ask questions any time, share your wins & struggles, find freelance gigs and get pep talks!

What's in The Freelance Resource Library?

The Freelance Resource library is full of awesome goodies to help your budding freelance business! It includes:

  • Contract Templates

  • Letter of Introduction Templates

  • Pitch Templates

  • Email Templates

  • The Portfolio Guide

  • The Rates Guide

  • The SEO for Freelance Writers Guide

  • The Onboarding and Offboarding Guide

...and so much more. The library is constantly being updated, too! So if there's a resource you need, just ask Rachel and she can get it added for you!


We’d love to have you join us!

Still have questions about Pop Club? Not sure if it’s right for you? Shoot me an email!

I’m a real person. I’m happy to answer your questions and even virtually meet you for a quick coffee chat to make sure we’re the right fit.