Pre-Trail: What I do at the Gym


Since the weather outside has become quite frightful I've moved my workouts indoors. During the summer I usually run outside, hike, and do calisthenics in my driveway. In the gym, things require a bit more planning... Below are the workouts that I use and a look at what my schedule for the next 5 weeks will look like.


Gym Plan

Gym Plan

Sundays I typically get out of work around 5 so that leaves me ample time after work to really focus on a workout. I try to spend 1.5-2 hours there. I do at least 45 minutes of cardio and then I work on my arms or legs. My arm workouts and leg workouts have the most weight components of all of my workouts so I like to give myself time in case the gym is crowded.

Mondays I work doubles every Monday 8am-9pm so I always take a rest day.

Tuesdays I work a short 4 hour shift at one job and the other only biweekly on Tuesdays so, like Sundays, I have a lot of time to devote to the gym. I always do legs and arms. If I don't go to the gym Tuesday then I go outside (snowshoeing, jogging, walking, skiing, etc.) and switch that plan to Thursday.

Wednesdays are reserved for abs, chest, and back. Shorter workouts before or after work.

Thursdays I usually have off, so I try to go outside and snowshoe or ski.

Fridays I get out of work late on Fridays so I aim for a short workout before work. Abs, arms, or chest depending on how early I get up. I often have to travel for appointments on Thursday so sometimes it's difficult to get up early.

Saturdays I often work a long shift or double on Saturday and have plans with friends in the evening so I either do something outside, a 3-5 mile run on the treadmill, or just rest.

The Workouts

You can download the plans I use here:

Legs-1   |   Legs-2   |   Arms-1   |   Arms-2   |   Core-Chest   |   Back

Always stretch after you workout!!

If you have any questions, want an accountability buddy, or need help with these plans feel free to contact me!

Happy (indoor) Trekking!


Disclaimers: I am in no way a certified fitness trainer. These are the workouts I do. I've received a lot of questions about what I do at the gym so I decided to share my current plans here on my blog. If you choose to attempt these workouts, you do so at your own risk!

All plans were created with Workout Labs Train Program. You can get one week free when you sign up!

I spent a lot of time making these plans! If you do download them, please consider donating to my trip!